Better Change has developed four, innovative and successful customer interactions for those at each level of gambling harm.

A small percentage of players are almost certainly suffering from gambling harm. We understand that responsible operators are keen to intervene in an appropriate but subtle and effective manner.

Our first interaction offers regular webinars providing a non-intrusive and voluntary way for any player to access free, friendly and non-judgemental support. They also provide operators with a tangible strategy to demonstrate thier commitment to player protection to regulatory bodies.

Secondly, our qualified gambling therapists offer an independent assessment for any customers your internal systems identify as potentially suffering from gambling harm. A prompt and professional interaction can not only save you from costly regulatory sanctions, but it genuinely can help to save lives.

Third is our ‘Return to Gambling’ Interaction. Should a customer feel the need to take a
cooling off period, it is arguably a risk to allow them to return to gambling. Better Change recommend suggesting a friendly, non-judgemental session with a qualified Gambling Therapist to ensure they are fully equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to maintain a healthy relationship with gambling going forward. Not only does this provide additional support for the player, but it provides Operators with a tangible way to demonstrate their commitment to player protection.

Finally, we have our full 12-week treatment programme offering a full recovery pathway
and aftercare programme for those suffering significant gambling harm. Each Interaction has been crafted by two of the UK’s leading Gambling Therapists, who between them have treated many hundreds of men and women, giving them a fantastic grasp of the best way to approach this delicate subject. They are members of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and also the National Counselling Society. (NCS)

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