After extensive consultation with the industry, Better Change has developed three distinctive training courses: 

  1. A 30-minute digital course designed to educate at risk players about potential gambling harm. This is ideal for those returning from Self Exclusion or Time Out, as well as those players you are keen demonstrate an interaction with.  
  2. A 45-minute digital training course for those working in the gaming industry. This has been created in collaboration with our friends at Gordon Moody and each course is branded and tailored to the relevant operator. The content covers all elements of safer gambling and general compliance requirements. 
  3. Bespoke virtual or in person training crafted for specific audiences such as board members and their LCCP obligations (delivered by our Regulatory Affairs team,) through to crisis training (delivered by our clinical team) for customer service teams facing customers presenting with suicidal ideations. 

Please contact us to find out more and arrange a demonstration

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