Currently, there are plenty of sources of support available for anyone unfortunate enough to be suffering from gambling harm but, as the majority of them focus on restrictive measures including total abstinence, they are not ideal for those of us working in the gaming industry. Similarly, the gambling awareness education that is currently available focuses on the act of gambling itself which is not the entirety of the risk for a gaming employee. Considering that research has shown gaming employees to be especially susceptible to gambling harm, Better Change, with the help of our partners, are curating and distributing dedicated gambling awareness educational resources specifically designed for employees of the gaming industry as well as their friends and family.


The gaming industry is an exciting, innovative and hugely rewarding place to work, but it’s not without its risks. Not only do operators have a duty of care towards their customers, they also have responsibility for the safeguarding of their employees. Better Change’s Clinical Team, along with our Regulatory Affairs Director, will ensure that dedicated resources are made available to all HR teams in the industry to educate staff in order to prevent gambling harm developing amongst those who are exposed to gambling on a daily basis. This includes digital resources, webinar’s and printable material for display in common areas.

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